Sands of Time Designs - Handmade Jewellery

5-8mm Natural Rose Quartz Chip Beads, 32.5″ Strand

$8.20 inc GST.

92 in stock

Item: Rose Quartz Gemstone Chip Beads
Size: 5~8mm
Hole: 0.8mm
Colour: Pink (undyed)
Strand: Approx. 32.5″ (81cm)
Amount: 1 Strand

Spiritual Properties of Rose Quartz:

● Love and Emotional Healing: Rose quartz is often called the “Stone of Love” as it is associated with the heart chakra and can help in attracting and enhancing all forms of love – self-love, romantic love, and unconditional love. It promotes compassion, forgiveness, and emotional healing, helping to release emotional wounds and traumas.

● Confidence and Self-Worth: Rose quartz enhances self-esteem and self-worth, boosting confidence and promoting self-acceptance. It helps to release feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and self-criticism, allowing for a more positive and loving self-perception.