Sands of Time Designs - Handmade Jewellery

Ocean Jasper 6mm Beads

$9.40 inc GST.

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Gemstone: Ocean Jasper
Size: 6mm
Strand Length (inches): 15.75″~16″
Colour: Beige, brown, green, yellow
Beads in Strand: 68 Beads

Ocean Jasper, also known as Orbicular Jasper or Cellular Jasper, is a very rare variety of Jasper, a silicon dioxide mineral, and a member of the Quartz family. Its defined by circular “orb” like patterns that can be seen as green, brown, blue, yellow, grey, white, pink or red.

A very soft and gentle stone, Ocean Jasper crystal properties are extremely nurturing. This stone encourages you to embrace love, happiness and joy, even when you may find it hard to do so. This is the perfect crystal to connect with whenever you need some TLC after a long day.