Sands of Time Designs - Handmade Jewellery

Dragon Blood 6mm Round Beads

$12.40 inc GST.

1 in stock

Gemstone: Dragon Blood Stone
Size: 6mm
Strand Length (inches): 15″
Color: Green/Reddish Brown
Beads in Strand: Approx 60 bead

Dragonblood is a type of jasper, making it a variety of quartz. It is known for its green and red coloration. This stone is found in Australia and South Africa. This stone is associated with the heart and earth star chakras. You can place this stone in full moon moonlight to energize.

Dragonblood activates the chakras and promotes creativity at all levels. It assists with personal healing, aiding past and present life issues blocking emotional maturity and responsiveness. This stone helps you to “ride” the dragon energies associated with mastery of life.

This stone tames your inner dragon. It helps you to establish balance and have the courage to overcome obstacles so you can achieve your goals by enhancing your Chi. Dragonblood is protective and casts a wide defensive barrier.